With 5 sleds in our group, there is a lot of work to do before leaving. All the sleds need to be lined up single file and tied off to the kennel wall. If you don't tie them off the dogs will just drag the sled off down the trail without you. Then the dogs need to be harnessed and brought one at a time to the sled and chained on. All the time this is happening the dogs are barking and howling like crazy because they so desperately want to be picked for a sled. As the chain line is filled more chaos occurs with dogs growling at one another asserting their dominance. Finally the sleds are ready. The plan is to head down hill to the lake, gather again and then start the trip. One person man's the sled to the lake. I'm the 4th sled in line and we take off with a sprint, get to the turn and my lead dog goes left up and over a log that is blocking that trail instead of to the trial to the right. There was no one to follow so they just went the way they were used to go. Lucky for me all the dogs and the sled jumped the tree and made it to the lake where John the guide met us to lead the dogs around to the rest of the teams.
Alright time to get up for breakfast, more later.
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