Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, mid day

There is a drop in excitement after Dan's success last night. We all went up to the concession stand/ bar in the velodrome last night after the medal ceremony and got some food and a beer or two to celebrate with Dan and another friend we have met, Nick, from Melbourne, who got bronze in a 2k effort. We got back to the room late and stayed up later than we should enjoying the excitement. Sleeping in late today, late breakfast and then just relax for me, no races at all for me today. Dan C has a 750, Dan Schuller and Mark Stewart have 500's later this evening. I have a 500 later tomorrow evening so my job is to relax, do some rollers later today and probably watch the races tonight. DS and MS have really big fields so that should be interesting. The weather is still cooler, mid 40's, wet, gray and not too interesting. The NSC crew is scattered around town and velodrome enjoying what time off they can. More race reports later from the velodrome as it happens.

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