It's about 8:30 in the morning on Wed. The big BBQ at Chris's home is tonight in his backyard patio or as he calls it the pagoda. All the fixing's are bought and preparations mostly done so the plan is to go for a motor bike ride through the hills around Canberra today. The weather the last few days has been cooler and wetter than I've ever seen here. Getting me ready for the cold temps of MN soon I guess. Sunday and Monday were casual days with a bike road ride Monday afternoon around the Golburn area. It's a smaller town so it takes no time at all get get to small country roads with little or no traffic. We met up with Coly again so the three of us did about an hour and a half out in windy and cool conditions followed by the traditional stop at a local coffee shop for a snack and here what's happening around town.
The original plan was to do the motor bike ride yeasterday but it rained most all the day so we decided to go back to Sydney, stop at Bundy's bike shop and pick up some cycling shoes I ordered from an Australian company. We also got a copy of Windows 7 for Chris' laptop while in Sydney, he has been hating his Vista OS and thought as long as we were rained in, might be a good project. Back home after hitting the stores for BBQ foods and then computer upgrades, which went resonably well all things considered.
Lyn, Chris' wife, made a great, delicious curry dinner last night, what a treat to have home cooked curries. After, some TV and then some reading and off to bed.
The last few days have truely been relaxing, vacation days. I rarely take time at home to really relax and completely unwind so this is a real treat.
Tomorrow, the plan is to train at the local 400 meter asphalt track for a while on the track bikes. Chris is heading into the local bike carnival season around here, coming into summer and has a race on Saturday in a town an hour or so north of Sydney. Too bad I can't stay and ride the carnivals but home is calling.
The sun is out again this morning, with the temps rising. JJ the cat is wandering around my room noseing into my luggage, wondering what all the MN smells are about. Only a few days left and I will be getting back on a plane for the longest day of my life. I leave here, Friday at 2:00 P.M. and get into Mpls at about 7:00 P.M. after traveling for about 19 hours or so. I get the day back I lost on the way here. Maybe the plane won't be as full heading home so I can get some room to move.
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